What Is A Landing Page?

Landing page

For choosing the right type of landing page you need to consider your goals first and what exactly it is that you want to achieve.

In this article, I will be discussing what a landing page really is and the most common types of it available out there. Keep reading till the end to find out more information on the same!

About Landing Page

In digital marketing, a landing page is known as a standalone page that is created especially for advertising or a marketing campaign.

It is when a visitor “lands” after they click on a “link” – from an email or even from ads displayed on Instagram, Youtube, Google, Twitter, Facebook, or other similar places on the web. 

Types Of Landing Pages

Here is a list of some of the most common types of landing pages that you can utilize for your business:

1. Lead Capture Landing page

This is one of the most common types of landing pages. Here, a marketing message is shown regarding a promotion and to receive it one must sign up with their email address. There are guides, whitepapers, and ebooks that are used to capture these landing pages.

One another feature of this type of landing page is that they capture landing pages as their destination point. This effectively leads to better ROI and higher conversion rates. 

2. Splash Page

A splash page is always there to grab a visitor’s attention. These appear on the screen before the visitor has even arrived at their expected destination. Unlike all of the other landing pages, these do not focus on conversion but instead fulfil a particular goal.

They are very commonly used as an intermediary page for making an announcement. Some instances would be, informing about a promotion, event, or conference. Most of the other times, a splash landing page is utilized to ask a visitor to enter a site. 

3. Click-Through Landing Page

A click-through landing type of page is known to provide very detailed information about offers for persuading visitors to click on them – and eventually, lead them to go to the conversion page. This allows the users to get familiar with a service and its offered features. 

4. Thank You Landing Page

Saying a “Thank-You” is a part of good manners. But when the topic is about a “thank-you” landing page, these two words benefit a lot in generating leads due to their nurturing nature.

This message only gets shown when a customer shows interest in purchasing your services and products – hence you need to utilize this opportunity for getting more engagement from this lead. 

5. Squeeze Landing Page

Sometimes, it is very good to get straight to the point – and in this case get the information, right out of the customer. Squeeze pages are typically smaller and shorter.

They do not even include images. Sometimes, they do not even include a lot of text. These landing pages are more about converting leads by generating transactions and less about educating the customers. 

6. Coming Soon Page

This is a landing page that would educate your customers about an up-and-coming product or even a business launch. You can consider adding a countdown or a launch date to let people know when your “offering” is going to be released.

Additionally, having a relevant email list before your page gets life will make you all set up for the future marketing campaign’s success.

If you are not going to launch a new line but instead revamp an old site, then you can use a “website under construction” message/template. 

7. Unsubscribe Landing Page

An unsubscribe landing page would show up when a user wants to part ways with using the services of your company/brand.

What you can do is customize this landing page in such a way that it compels the user to stay rather than unsubscribe from updates about your company. 

For the unsubscribe landing pages which are aimed at users cancelling a paid subscription, you can showcase your services and products for the last time.

Or you could even provide them with a discount or get them for engaging with services and business once again. 

8. Product Page

Product landing pages are very common in tech and retail. These types of landing pages give a complete detailed description of what a product is, its features, and how it works. 

As for the design of the landing page, it is recommended that you add many images and high-quality media content to your landing page template of the product page.


Here is a list of some of the most frequently asked questions regarding landing pages:

  1. Should a landing page have FAQs?

A: Adding a Q&A or a FAQ section on the landing page would help in qualifying content as either irrelevant or relevant to the search engines. The more amount of valuable information that you can provide in the form of text the better would it be for ranking in search engines.

  1. How effective are landing pages?

A: The average conversion rate of a landing page varies industry-wise. Across all of the industries, the average stands as effective as 2.35%. It can increase up to 5.31% and beyond later as well.

  1. What elements are a must to include in the landing pages?

A: A successful landing page should always have a clear message, a dominant Call-To-Action, and a clear value proposition. 

To Wrap It Up,

If you want to boost your lead generations then you need to make sure that you are leveraging your landing pages to its fullest potential. That was all for information regarding what a landing page is. 

Thank you for reading up till here. I hope you found the information useful.

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