It doesn’t matter whether you want to ace an exam, prepare for your dream career, or generally improve your life, it all starts with focusing on yourself. We recommend starting with a one-month challenge where you will be hyper-focused or fixated on your dream life or your goal.
This way, you can come out of this month feeling transformed and feeling confident that you are ready for whatever comes your way.
Select One Focus
You want to take it one step at a time, which is why, for the first month, you should be focusing on one goal or one area of your life. Here is the thing: if you choose too many things to focus on, your focus or your energy will be distributed.
The goal is to be able to say that you have achieved something at the end of the month. For instance, if you are planning to prepare for the bar exam, shift your focus for the starting month on getting your hands on the best bar exam online resource and creating a schedule that allows you to study for at least five hours a day.
Choose Your Daily Focus Mindfully
You will need to set daily and weekly goals. For instance, your daily goal could be to read sixty pages a day, and then you will have to stick to this daily goal for the remaining days of the month.
Whatever you choose to focus on for a month, ask yourself why it is meaningful to you and how it will make you feel if you imagine yourself at the end of this month having achieved the goal.
Avoid Sharing Your Goals
To focus on yourself entirely for a month, you should avoid sharing your goals with other people. The reason why this is so important is that when you reveal your goal to someone, and they actually acknowledge it, it tricks your mind into believing that you have already done it.
This instant kick that you get is satisfying to you, and you don’t really feel the need to do it anymore. You could also be losing a little bit of that motivation, which is what you want to avoid at all costs. The best thing to do is to keep those goals to yourself and hyper-focus on yourself for an entire month.
Imagine how amazing it would feel to share what you have done after a month.
Remove Distractions
To get a better idea of what you are dealing with and what your distractions are, you want to write down a list of things that distract you, such as the usual vices that you use to distract yourself from doing the things that you should be doing.
For instance, you might use social media a lot to distract yourself and procrastinate. So, you want to write that down.
Make another list of people that don’t make you feel very good. Remember that this is the time for you to focus on yourself and your goals. So, you want to use this self-focus period as an excuse to put those people on the back burner for just a little bit.
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